
Vue 3 renderer for Notion pages (ported from vue-notion).

Special thanks to Jannik Siebert & all the vue-notion contributors that made the vue-notion possible! 🥳


Use Notion as CMS for your blog, documentation or personal site. Also check out react-notion (developed by Splitbee 🐝 – a fast, reliable, free, and modern analytics for any team)

This package doesn't handle the communication with the API (I planned to add this!). Check out notion-api-worker from Splitbee for an easy solution.


- Created by Zernonia



⚡️ Fast – Up to 10x faster than Notion *

🌎 SSR Support – Work with Nuxt3 awesomeness!

🎯 Accurate – Results are almost identical

🔮 Code Highlighting – Automatic code highlighting with prismjs

🎨 Custom Styles – Styles are easily adaptable. Optional styles included

* First Meaningful Paint compared to a hosted example on Vercel.

Currently using Nuxt3 hosted on Vercel

Preview Component

Inspired from Notion Kit Test Suite

